Norway Spruce Cut Tree

The Norway Spruce is the ‘original’ Christmas Tree. A beautiful tree when tended properly.

Please don’t put me anywhere near heat and water me lots.



The Norway Spruce is the ‘original’ Christmas tree. A beautiful aromatic tree when tended properly, but people shy away from it because it loses needles. We buy local and get regular fresh deliveries. Ideal as an outside tree. Take indoors closer to Christmas and water well.

Our ‘Narrow Trim’ trees are roughly 3/4 the width of our full bodied trees, ideal for that slightly tighter corner

We also sell these trees as pot grown trees.

Additional information


5-6ft, 6-7ft, 7-8ft, 8-9ft, 9-10ft, 10-11ft, 11-12ft


Narrow Trim, Wide Trim