Christmas Trees

Great Trees - Great Prices

Our Trees

At Weston Xmas Trees we only buy our British trees from members of the British Christmas Tree Growers Association. BCTGA members cultivate well shaped and sturdy trees specially for the Christmas festivities.

nordman fir tree
Nordmans have fantastic needle retention, dark green soft glossy needles and dense foliage. The trees are pruned to give a good full and uniform shape throughout. Considered the best “non-drop” tree in the industry.
Aroma - Pine
norway spruce tree
The Norway Spruce is the ‘original’ Christmas tree. People shy away from it because it loses needles, so we buy local and get regular fresh deliveries. Ideal as an outside tree. Take indoors closer to Christmas and water well.
Aroma - Christmas Past
pot grown tree
These are trees that have been grown in their pots from very small seedlings. These have a much higher chance of survival when planted out after Christmas than other ‘potted’ trees. Available as Nordman Fir or Norway Spruce.